Sunday, December 5, 2010

12/5/10 Big Econlockhatchee River

     Right next to my Cesar Weed free property is another property. Recently I stopped in for a visit and saw there was thousands and thousands of tiny to mid sized Cesar Weeds there! My neighbor has been mowing them (rather then pulling them out and burning them) so she has unkowingly aided in their spread. She also has a large fire pit, where I do not. I offered to pull out every last one and she told me I could use the burn pit any time. I said don't be so quick to make that offer I have a lot of exotics to burn.
     So today I got in there and easily pulled out 200 Cesar Weeds and 3 Chinese Tallow Trees.
     I found the above pictured animal skull among the weeds. I don't know what it is.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by...I will be checking back to see how you are doing. We spend a lot of time on the St Johns River, and pull all the fishing line we can find.
